Movement is the foundation of our explorations into inner connectivity, outer relationship, personal resilience and restoration.
Our first expression in life is through movement.
Movement is the language of the body.
Movement is associated with every area of our interactions with the world: our sensations, our emotions, and our thoughts.
As movement represents the continuous process of life, and that even in stillness, there is movement, we will experience movement forms based in yoga, somatics, embryological and human developmental models through physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual processes.

"And I said to my body. Softly. ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath. And replied ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.”
- Nayyirah Waheed
Cultivating whole-body intelligence in relationship to rather than in service of the mind.
Somatics describes various techniques that help people increase bodily awareness through movement, relaxation, sensory and neurological processes. Simply put, it's the body's awareness of itself.
As modern science and neuroscience have developed in understanding the body-mind as a whole, integrated experience of oneself, somatics offers a pathway of understanding as integrated systems of the whole being. From this understanding the possibility to feel connected and at ease in themselves and with others.
- more to come!